I was cruising for Eve related things on the web when I came across Crazykinux's blog. He runs this Eve Blog Roll, where if a blogger so chooses, he can request to be added to said roll, so that other denizens of New Eden can read about how mighty your e-peen is. I was recently added, so look for me on his Speedlinking page, as well for a plug on Micro Warp Cast.
Speaking of E-Peen.
Mine is mighty. I wouldn't call myself part of the elite group of PvPer's in the Galaxy, but I've made my way through some pretty good pew pew. Recently, I've been boasting to my buddies that my Claw is indestructible. Aptly named, "The Hammer is my," after a line for Dr. Horrible's Sing-along-blog, so that on scan it would read, "The Hammer is my Claw."
It came into the world as a mistake. I didn't feel like I had the skills to fly and Arty claw. So instead of losing a bunch of Arty-Claws to get the hang of it, I decided I'd stick with Knife fighting, something I feel I am pretty good at. I started working out a fit in EFT.
With only two mids, I figure I'd throw a scrambler on there to compensate for the lack of web and at the time, I was of the opinion that one doesn't fit an interceptor without a Micro Warp drive. If you wanted that Afterburner shenanigans, fly a rifter, or some assault frigate. So on went the MWD.
This presented a problem. So many ships these days seem to fit scramblers, and why not? When fighting within web range, you might as well fit a scrambler, it takes less capacitor, puts on two points of warp disruption, and turns off enemy micro warp drives in exchange for lower range. Range that won't matter once you're in the kill zone.
But with Interceptors, you have that fantastic speed and bonus to MWD sig radius reduction, so it just seemed right to fit a MWD. But with scramblers so prevalent in today's PvP, it seemed silly to fit out a knife fighting ship with a microwarp drive, because once you start fighting, you lose the advantage.
What is a pilot to do?
It's likely the reason the arty-Claw is so popular, since you don't need to get all up in every ship's grill to fight. Putting an afterburner on an interceptor made me feel dirty. It made me feel like I was just fitting out a weaker version of an Assault frigate. But without the scrambler, I wouldn't get the other benefits... But MWD + Scrambler? Fail.
I felt so ashamed at my knife fighting claw that I vowed never to take it out except to suicide it, and I went to fit out an arty claw.
The very next day I decided to take the knife-fighting claw out to get it killed in hilarious fashion. I re-fit it with an Afterburner, for extra lolz. The added grid gained from swapping to an AB actually let me drop the MAPC I had on there for the 400mm plate. I replaced it with a Gyrostabilizer, to squeeze out some more DPS.
I went straight to the Amarr Militia staging system, Kamela. I figured their would be someone willing to shoot me there. There was a Complex up in system, and a coercer on scan. Great! A destroyer, perfect way to get this thing blown to bits. I arrived at the plex, burned straight up to him and my less than blazing speed, and pwned the ever loving shit out of him.
A well fit destroyer usually trumps interceptors, what has gone wrong in this world? I checked his Bio to find he is a relatively new player, so maybe it was just bad skills and a spot of luck. I continued on to meet my buddy who was milling about in Lamaa, where I found that there was a large concentration of militia, both amarr and minmatar. Outnumbered, the Amarr were just scattered around, trying to move out of the area to avoid bad losses. I was hanging out on the Kamela gate when two Maledictions and a Punisher appeared at 0.
Surely, this will be the end of my plagued Claw. I figured I had the best chance at killing the Punisher, so I just engaged, I crushed the Punisher under foot. I hadn't even entered armor yet, so I started to go after one of the maledictions, I invited my buddy who was in a pilgrim to join up, the maledictions turned their sights to him, which seemed odd, but quickly made sense when a rifter, omen, and falcon appeared in support. I quickly went after the Rifter, and Popped him and his pod before he could enter fight. I got jammed, and started taking heavy fire, I warped off, in flames. My buddy popped the omen and I warped back to scare off the Maledictions, or die or whatever.
But the falcon cloaked and warped after the Omen went down, and the maledictions couldn't hold the pilgrim so we just jumped out and claimed victory.
Two kills under a force of 6 eventual pilots in this thing? It's an afterburning claw! This POS should have been hard pressed to take a punisher, let alone take the punisher down under fire from three frigates, and then continue on to pop a rifter without issue.
Suddenly, I changed my mind, this ship isn't a bastard child of bad science, but a frankenstein love child.
It went on to get top damage on an Armageddon kill, and hold tackle on an Arbitrator that night, and almost equals the thrasher for king of pod harvesting.
I love this ship.
Our corp battle-report blog: FTLOL
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